Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Unofficial 10/14 PTA Minutes; Field Update

You can find the full draft minutes from the October 14 PTA meeting here. The main event was a panel on the lead issue involving the soccer field. Net conclusion: A test conducted on the field this summer showed elevated levels of lead in the green turf material and dust coming from it, prompting the District's decision, along with Parks, to close the field to children pending additional tests. Three more have been conducted and produced results of less concern than the first. Additional testing will be completed in the next month in order to better characterize any risks posed by the field. With those results in hand, all parties will come together to develop a recommendation about the future of the field. The panelists stated that based on what they currently know, they didn't think it necessary to test blood lead levels of children just because they have played on the field. They stressed, however, that parents should make their own assessment of lead risks, and emphasized the importance of particular caution when renovating older homes that may contain lead paint.

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